Group Classes
Group Classes
Group classes are held periodically and are made up of several individuals accompanied with either their caretaker, friend, or family member, and are led and guided by one of our professionally trained facilitators. These sessions are useful for those who want to learn how to safely do the YogAutismTM recipe in a group setting and learn many of the accommodations and adaptations that are most beneficial to their partner. These classes are held for weeks at a time which we've found to be important because everyone's capabilities and limitations change day-by-day, so what may have worked last time may not continue to be the best option. Classes are guided by one of our trained professionals so all bodily limitations and capabilities are factored in when designing the session for that day.
Class fees may be payable through IRIS or CLTS . For private pay clients a sliding scale fee schedule may be applicable for services.
We're busy planning our next class series!
YOGAUTISM Parent/Caregiver/Teacher Training
Designed for parents, caregivers, and therapists who wish to learn how to facilitate the YogAutismTM Recipe. This training will give you a clear understanding of the perspectives & approaches that make the 5-part recipe a beneficial program for people with autism or other neurophysiological differences.
Check back for details or email us at if you are interested in future group classes or training.
While you are waiting, consider an individual one-on-one session with one of our trained professionals!
Fill out this form to schedule a one-to-one session today!
YogAutismTM is an approved provider with all four Dane County IRIS fiscal providers and the CLTS waiver program in Dane County.